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Аquarium for a child

Аквариум и рыбки для детей: советы родителям!
Аquarium for a child

Let us talk about an aquarium for a child. Aquarium can be a great advantage in the education and development of a child. Watching the colorful fish swim by can provide hours entertainment for the young curious mind. Taking care of the fish instills a sense of discipline and responsibility. It may also open the doors to knowledge about the underwater world.

Taking care of fish is far less demanding then taking care of cats, dogs or even a hamster. The fish do not require to be taken out for a walk, they do not get fleas and unlike the diseases of cats and dogs the diseases of fish are not transmittable to humans.

An aquarium can be an excellent humidifier in the room. The water from the aquarium gradually and constantly evaporates adding humidity to the room. This humidity can also be good for the house plants.

Illuminated aquarium can double as a night light removing the fears of darkness in the young mind. The back and forth smooth swimming of the fish in the dark of the night and illuminated by a small light can have a very soothing effect on a child trying to sleep.

The aquarium can come in all sizes and shapes. They can be small, large or any size in-between. It can be square, rectangular or in the shape of a bowl. An aquarium shop can offer you all the choices and then some more.

Now let's talk of those nuances which you should consider and provide , before to buy an aquarium for the child.

The first and most important – you should think about safety of the child and small fishes by the principle : "Look, but don't touch". You should think of safe connection of the aquarian equipment to power supply (access of the child to it should be most limited! ! ! ) .  

The second, you should think of a place where  an aquarium will be. The aquarium must to be located so that you could have control under the  supervise interaction of  child with it  as much as possible , that child didn't overturn it on himself   and an aquarium  should  stand steadily on a reliable support.

The third, you should  try to teach the child and  you should take for the rule to carry out all actions (feeding, cleaning, decorating an aquarium ) together with the kid. In too time if the child already adult and you are sure that he can look after pets   himself  – allow him to do it  independently.

The fourth,  it seems to me , it is important . The aquarium - it  is good small light at night , but "buzzing" , because  mute aeration and  filtration for water  work. If you decided to put an aquarium to child's  bedroom , get "silent" aeration and  filtration. As option it is possible to get labyrinth small fishes , they are do not demanding aeration (a cockerel - Betta splendens, Trichogaster leeri, Colisa lalia, etc.). These small fishes breathe atmospheric air. The question with a filtration of water will be actual the same in this case, but the filter can be switched off for the night and even several times within days.

We wish you and your kid  successes in creation of the underwater world in your home! If you liked article - come to us more !

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Категория: Аквариумные статьи / События аквариумистики | Просмотров: 5 751 | Дата: 27-03-2013, 16:37 | Комментарии (1)
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