
Аквариумный навигатор

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В каком объеме Вы подмениваете аквариумную воду на свежую?


О запуск аквариума с нуля

    That the Step-by-step short instruction will help you with it, I hope. It will relieve you of reading a lot of  Internet articles and will help to establish an aquarium as soon as possible!


      1 . You should  find a place where  aquarium will stand. 

- the aquarium should stand in a dark corner without direct sunshine (  algas could grow  uncontrollable, the sunlight creates patches of light on glass).

- You should think , how  power supply will approach to an aquarium (for connection: illuminations, filter, aeration, heater).

- if you decided to put an aquarium not on a special curbstone,  on some your  furniture  or you want to put it in a furniture niche – surely consider aquarium weight with water. The surface should be strong. CHECK! ! !

- if you have small children, you should think of their safety and of safety of aquarian inhabitants . Access of children to an aquarium and thire equipment has to be limited (the principle – "look, but don't touch").

       2 . You should pour water from the top  and it should stand in some capasity 1 day minimum.

- You should do it  for one day at least  before to landing of small fishes . The water there are  oxygen and it  can kill small fishes. Though in practice you can manage it , especially if you will  use special staff for improvement  of water (for example, "Akvaseyv"). But you shouldn't risk, especially for the first time.

-  If you have no nessesary capacity to settle water for big aquarium, you can pour tap water in the established aquarium and defend it in it, at least 1 days. "Akvaseyv" will necessary in this case.

      3 . Now you can run in pet-shop and:
- you buy the chosen aquarium (it should be correspond to the chosen place).

- the filter and aeration (they should be correspond to aquarium volume).

- you choose soil and a decor (artificial plants, stones, locks, snags, etc.).

- you will need  in  special heater if it occurs in winter time.

- thermometer.

      4 . You should start step-by-step installation of an aquarium:

- you should  make a surface of a special curbstone or furniture absolutely equal, the aquarium will be established on it. You should buy water construction level ($3-). It can be useful to you in the future too. The matter is that aquarian water creates pressure upon aquarium walls. And even the small tilt angle creates the notable pressure upon a separate wall (pressure will be not uniform). The aquarium can "burst" from it. Only small deviations are admissible. You can  do not level a surface for small aquariums (to 35 liters).

- you should  establish an aquarium on a surface. You should  lay polyethylene bubbly laying between an aquarium and a surface (it is  usually  on sale with an aquarium). Edges of an aquarium shouldn't hang from a curbstone or furniture.

- then you can pour out and distribute soil in an aquarium. better, if you will wash out it in advance to get rid of an excess dust and dirt.

- now you can establish a decor.

       5 . Then you can pour water in an aquarium. Water should  be in advance ready and prepare before.

This work isn't easy, especially if aquarium volume  more then from 100 Litres. (10 buckets).

Try to fill an aquarium with water slow and is accurate. 

You can put on an aquarium bottom any ware or to bank that water didn't wash away soil and scenery. Your decor and soil remain in integrity if you direct a water stream on bank.

The aquarium should be filled with water not completely,  water should be lower than aquarium edge approximately on 5-7 cm. 

      6 . Then you can establish a filtration and aeration and to include an aquarium.

       7 . Now you can go to pet-shop and buy small fishes, snails, live plants … don't forget to buy sterns.

      8 . You can let out small fishes in the aquarium. Package with small fishes lower at first in aquarian water, scoop in a package of water a little and keep in an aquarium  about 15  minutes  (for adaptation). After that you can let out small fishes, you overturn a package with small fishes in aquatian water.....

Further you must pay attention and care of your pets. Experience will gradually come in the course of leaving.
Категория: ИнфоЦентр / События аквариумистики | Просмотров: 7 374 | Дата: 3-04-2013, 23:10 | Комментарии (0)
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